BILL. By Roy Edinburgh

Created by trudyhaigh 6 years ago



He was known as Wishbone, amongst a few other names

Grandad or Furry Grandad, Mum called him William James


He had names for all he knew, Rasher, Stanley and all that

Maxi babe and Sweed'art, John the Hod and Frank the Hat


When Bill first met my mother, he took a shine to her.

In three weeks he said we should get married, but Mum, did not concur


But less than 12 months later, we were out on his Stag Do

We'd meet the girls at the Anchor, with a strippergram or two.


How to get him to the Anchor? We knew just what to do

we told him he couldn't go there, And he argued black and blue


The next twenty years or so, were like a building site

Extensions, walls and granny flats, Morning, noon and night


He worked just like a trojan, Through renovations and moves

He slipped on muck and fell down holes, Off  ladders and off rooves


He had many holidays, Some wonderful, some grim

Once he was stung by a jellfish, and mum had to wee on him


Bill loved a fancy dress party, and the morning after Halloween

He went to the vet with Trudy, nails were black and eye liner green


He was holding Trudy's handbag, And I guess he began to think

What must I bloomin' look like, as the Vet gave him a wink


He used to sign our birthday cards, with a picture, like Dorian Gray, 

And just like poor old Grandad, It got wrinklier by the day


Bill didn't have any children, but ten Grandchildren by half

He'd try to be stern and tell them off, While trying not to laugh


People Live and people die, There is no one to blame,

But all our lives without Grandad, Will never be the same


I don't know where Bill is now, It hurts my head to think

But I know that when we see him again, We'll all go for a drink

